Sunderland Echo





3. Teacher has the answerbook? (6,3) 8. It is sworn in so a thought should be spared (4) 9. Satisfied to study while camping it would seem (9) 10. Two-wheeler for two

wheelers (6) 11. There's a danger in this paper, I'll be bound! (5) 14. A role in isolation? (5) 15. Take the girl back to have a meal (4) 16. It is used to see a sound place to build (5) 18. There are waves when it

turns (4) 20. Drive back a strange brute

(5) 21. Where cricketers make

mistakes? (5) 24. Some former links with a

magician (6) 25. Consider the teams but

don't be impartial (4,5) 26. Backward rodents get the top of the bill (4) 27. The dances are modest (9)


1. As quickly as letters are delivered? (4-5) 2. Flags, or roses perhaps (9) 4. Particle to be inserted in the morning (4) 5. Evidence of right to a name (5) 6. Managed detectives, but became sour (6) 7. The garden of much-loved

England (4) 9. Money as would be needed for rises (5) 11. Paper boys? (5) 12. Almost to live with skill is certainly not an asset (9) 13. Silver jubilee in all four quarters? (9) 17. Wood is sometimes said to

hide them from view (5) 19. Senior species of 17? (6) 22. Deadly sin lions fall into (5) 23. Father gets half that way (4) 24. Only a pool (4)

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