Sunderland Echo

North East has highest rate for alcohol-related deaths


The North East has the highest rate of alchol-related deaths in the country, new figures show.

According to statistics published by both Public Health England and the Office of National Statistics (ONS), the rates of alcohol-related deaths in the region are higher for both men and women than any other area of England.

The Local Alcohol Profiles for England (LAPE), released by Public Health England, show there were a total of 1,424 alcohol-related deaths in the North East in 2015.

It means that the North East has a 22% higher rate than the national average for alcohol-related deaths. The death rate from chronic liver disease is 40 per cent higher than the England average.

Balance, the North East Alcohol Office, is calling on the Government to tackle the problem in its next Budget on March 8.

Colin Shevills, Director of Balance, said: “It’s clearly worrying that the North East is showing significan­tly higher rates of alcohol-related mortality than the rest of England.

“We know that often the poorest people in society are amongst the worst affected by alcohol-related harms and the North East suffers more than some of the more affluent parts of the country. We need to see measures introduced which urgently take steps to tackle these worrying inequaliti­es.

“The Government should use the upcoming Budget to raise the alcohol duty on very cheap, strong cider. Brands such as Frosty Jack’s are often consumed by young people and dependent drinkers, yet they attract the lowest duty per unit of any alcohol product.

“We also need a minimum unit price for alcohol, which wouldn’t affect pub prices, but would ensure drinks aren’t sold at pocket money prices. It would help save lives, reduce hospital admissions, cut crime and ease some of the financial burden alcohol places on the emergency services.”

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