Sunderland Echo



STORY: GPs may be stopped prescribin­g ‘low-priority’ items under major NHS costs

Valerie Metcalf: Think it is a brilliant idea as even some types of laxative are prescribed which are half the price when bought over the counter. Will save tens of millions. Next get rid of over paid executives. Amy Greig: Anything you can buy over the counter should be stopped. Things like paracetamo­l, Gaviscon, Calpol, ibuprofen, hayfever tablets, the list goes on and on. Annie Fordlass: GPs should concentrat­e on prescribin­g only controlled drugs that cannot be bought over the counter. Jodie Beckwith: So cancer patients have to suffer more as they are including fentinil, a cancer painkiller. Angie Scott Shaw: I’m sure those with cancer won’t be made to suffer anymore than they already do, Jodie, hun.

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