Sunderland Echo


Sex beast was back on the streets after jail term for offence sin 2006– then two more of his victims came forward

- By Karon Kelly Twitter: @sunderland­echo

A rapist who served a jail term more than a decade ago for sex offences has been put back behind bars after more victims came forward.

David Carter was given a ten-year prison term in August 2006 for raping a teenager.

The 57-year-old had completed his sentence and was back out on the streets – until two more of his victims who were attacked in Sunderland found the courage to speak out.

At Newcastle Crown Court, Carter was told by a judge he is “dangerous” and given another nine years behind bars, with lifelong sex offender registrati­on and sexual harm prevention order.

The court heard Carter’s sexual offending all happened around the same time, but two of his victims only recently felt able to speak out.

Carter made a suicide attempt when the latest cases got to court but eventually pleaded guilty to offences of rape and indecent assaults.

The court heard one of the victims was subjected to repeated sex attacks and rapes, which had a devastatin­g impact on her whole life.

She told police in a statement: “He has taken my life. “It is always in my head. “I just thought I was no good.

“Every time I try to be happy it just feels I get depressed or angry.

“I feel proper dirty. I feel dirty now.

“I can’t sleep and when I do, I have nightmares. I’m soaking with sweat when I wake up and have flashbacks. “It destroys me. “I don’t feel safe even now. I know he can’t hurt me physically, I can’t explain, I worry in case he comes to my house, I know it’s stupid but I think stuff like that.

“I just want a normal life. I wish I could wipe it away. He has taken enough of my life away. I don’t want him taking any more.

“I could have been like normal. That’s all I wanted, just to be normal.”

Judge Robert Adams said Carter made his victim feel “worthless” and told him: “In her view, you have effectivel­y taken away all her life.

“You have caused her severe psychologi­cal harm.”

The other victim, who was indecently assaulted once, felt “scared” during the ordeal.

Judge Adams said Carter was “dangerous” and told him he poses a “high risk of serious harm to children”.

The court heard Carter, whose address was given as Mallory Place, Gateshead, has health problems.

“I don’t feel safe even now” VICTIM OF CARTER

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David Carter
 ??  ?? David Carter
David Carter

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