Sunderland Echo

With a twist


1 x whole Gressingha­m Duck, aprox 2.5 kg 3 x clementine­s Sprigs of rosemary Raspberry jam (or cranberry sauce or redcurrant jelly) Bisto gravy ½ a red cabbage, shredded 1 small onion, diced Handful of dried cranberrie­s (sultanas will work well, but cranberrie­s are more festive) 1 small apple, diced ¼ teaspoon mixed spice 1 x tablespoon Branston pickle 1 x tablespoon sugar (brown if you have it)

1. Heat the oven to 170 degrees, place the duck on a wire rack on a roasting tin. Prick the skin of the duck with a sharp knife, particular­ly over the fatty bits, but be careful not to pierce the meat. 2. Rub the duck all over with salt. This will drain a lot of the fat out, making the duck much less stodgy. 3. Stab the clementine­s several times with a sharp knife and insert them into the cavity with a few sprigs of rosemary. They will steam inside the duck and imbue the meat with a lovely citrusy fragrance. 4. Cover the duck with tinfoil, and place in the oven for aproximate­ly 2 hours. 5. Prepare the red cabbage. This reheats nicely so it’s fine to make in advance. Softly fry the onion in some olive oil, then add the apple and cabbage. Once this has softened, add the remaining ingredient­s, and stir well. 6. Keep cooking on a medium heat for about 20 minutes. A lot of these recipes braise the cabbage until it’s soft, but I prefer mine with a bit of crunch. 7. The duck will be ready when the meat easily falls from the bone. Make up about half a pint of gravy and add a heaped tablespoon of raspberry jam, and mix well.

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