Sunderland Echo

Where are the morals?


Rich and famous are allowed to avoid paying tax on their millions, and why not.

If it’s good enough for the Queen of England to do, why not everyone?

The Queen and family get an increase in allowance each year, and to they use it? No! They bank it ‘off-shore’.

If our Queen does not trust our banks, why should we?

Who authorised the Queen to move UK money in large quantities to private off-shore accounts?

It is legal (they say) but for the Queen is it ethical, or morally correct?

Are those acting for the Queen honest?

They could be involved in illegal transactio­ns. Who would question them?

Is the money in these banks in the Queen’s name or their trustees?

It looks like everyone on this planet is a crook legally or otherwise.

Ethics and morals have no place in the minds of people who bank off-shore to avoid paying much-needed tax

People who bank offshore should be made to trade away from our shores, and move away from England.

All these taxes could help save the NHS and many other needy causes.

If people bank any of their millions abroad they should be denied using any British facilities of any kind.

Who can hard-working British people trust, if anyone?

Question: Many seemingly dishonest millionair­es may have good reason to bank off-shore, but why our Queen?

I don’t see the logic. I don’t see any reason, do you?

Are these some sort of contingenc­y plans? John Stott, Washington

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