Sunderland Echo

Glass attack after drinking 15 pints


- By Karon Kelly Twitter: @sunderland­echo

A reveller who thrust a glass into his friend’s neck because he called him a “fat ****” has been jailed for four years.

James Gordon, who had drank 15 pints of snakebite and taken 3 g of cocaine, lashed out after his friend’s “joke” remark and left him with serious wounds.

A reveller who thrust a glass into his friend’s neck because he called him a “fat ****” during a New Year’s Day out drinking has been jailed for four years.

James Gordon, who had drank 15 pints of snakebite and taken 3 g of cocaine, lashed out after his friend’s “joke” remark and left him with serious wounds that needed stitches and steristrip­s at hospital.

CCTV footage of the shocking attack shows the 37-year-old stand up and forcefully push his glass into his victim’s neck area, twice, causing blood to gush from four separate wounds to his throat and jawline.

After the injuries were inflicted, the stricken pal said: “James, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it.

“It was a joke, I shouldn’t have said it.”

He suffered a deep laceration to the front of his neck, which was down to the muscle, two cuts to the sides of his jaw and a puncture wound to the side of his ear, which were treated under local anaestheti­c, as well as other superficia­l scratches.

The victim of the attack, that happened at the Thorney Close Club, in Sunderland, did not co-operate with the police investigat­ion.

Gordon, of Ab er corn Road, Sunderland, who works as a contractor and has a good employment record, plead ed guilty to wounding with intent. Judge Edward Bindloss told Gordon: “This blew up out of very little, from what I can see and from what I have read.

“You stood up, you struck him with a pint glass you were holding, twice, to the face.”

The judge said Gordon’s reaction to the derogatory comment was “vastly over the top”, however he said he accepted he was an otherwise hard-working family man who stayed away from trouble.

Glen Gatland, defending, said Gordon is a devoted dad and family man with positive references from his employer and others who know him and described what hap - pened as “tragic” for all involved.

Mr G at land said both men, who had been friends for a decade, had had a lot to drink during the day out.

He added: “The complainan­t suddenly said those words to him about him being a ‘fat ****’ and that immediatel­y seemed to have provoked the defendant, who struck out at him twice.”

The court heard Gordon, who left the club after the attack, had no recollecti­on of what he did, but handed himself into the police and confessed he had been involved.

“You stood up, you struck him with a pint glass, twice” JUDGE BINDLOSS

 ??  ?? The Thornley Close Inn, formerly known as Thornley Close Club.
The Thornley Close Inn, formerly known as Thornley Close Club.
 ??  ?? James Gordon has been jailed for four years.
James Gordon has been jailed for four years.

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