Sunderland Echo




Mar 21 – Apr 20 Dwelling on the past will undermine your productivi­ty. If you’re going to get ahead in your career, you must face an intimidati­ng challenge. Stop telling yourself you can’t do certain jobs. You can succeed at anything you try. It’s simply a matter of bolstering your self-confidence. Try something new. Give yourself permission to make mistakes.


Apr 21 – May 21 An unreliable friend has been wearing on your nerves. The next time you make plans, don’t bother inviting them. You’re tired of having to sell their tickets or wait for them to show up. If they confront you, be honest. You’re no longer willing to accommodat­e a person who doesn’t take their promises seriously.


May 22 – June 21 Dishonest behaviour will come back to haunt you. If someone pressures you to cut corners at work, don’t do it. Your profession­al reputation is at stake. It’s better to leave a position than lower your standards. People will question your sanity. Stand firm in your decision. You’re a highly ethical person. Stay true to your beliefs.


June 22 – July 23 Don’t put too much faith in a person who claims to have all the answers. There will come a time when you disagree with their advice. When this happens, it’s imperative to listen to your instincts. You’re the best judge of what to do in your life. People who try to control you have bad motives. Resist.


July 24 – Aug 23 It’s time to confront bad spending habits. Instead of putting every purchase on a credit card, use cash instead. Pay more than the minimum balance on your charge accounts until you’re back in the black. When people invite you on expensive outings, explain you are on a budget. It will be easier to avoid embarrassi­ng situations if you’re honest.


Aug 24 – Sep 23 Keeping secrets from a loved one is taking its toll. You can no longer look your best friend, workmates or a loving partner in the eye. Take this opportunit­y to come clean. Be truthful about a persistent fear, an addiction or your financial situation. Once you put your cards on the table, you can work together to resolve the situation.


Sep 24 – Oct 23 Being unreliable at work will result in dismissal. Make it your mission to be on time, prepared and ready for anything. This may require you to wake up much earlier. Preparing your lunch and outfit the night before work saves lots of time. Stop telling yourself you are hopelessly tardy. You can become punctual once you change your internal script.


Oct 24 – Nov 22 Pay more attention to a youngster who feels neglected. You may be tired of their complaints, but it’s important to see these negative remarks for what they are: A desire for your company. Rearrange your priorities. Arrange for some special outings. Blocking out distractio­ns will pave the way for a closer relationsh­ip.


Nov 23 – Dec 22 You’re having difficulty relaxing. Stop making mountains out of molehills. Train yourself to expect everything will work in your favour. When you don’t feel anxious, it becomes much easier to deal with difficult situations. Better yet, it’s easier to attract solutions to difficult responsibi­lities. The Universe rewards those who have faith in its bounty.


Dec 23 – Jan 20 Daydreamin­g won’t solve a persistent problem. If you’re going to remedy a situation, you must confront it. Talk to a neighbour who has been annoying you. Extend an olive branch to a relative. Invite a colleague out for coffee. By opening the lines of communicat­ion, you’ll clear up a misunderst­anding.


Jan 21 – Feb 19 It’s time to be practical about finances. If you’re not earning enough money, ask for a raise. Find a more lucrative job. Create another source of income. Do whatever is possible to increase your earnings and reduce spending. Material matters aren’t very important to you, but financial security is.


Feb 20 – Mar 20 You’re confused about your personal goals. Instead of hoping for something practical, set your sights on a dream that seems out of reach. The best way to manifest something is to fully concentrat­e on it. There’s no point in hoping for a boring, predictabl­e job if what you really want is a career that provides creative satisfacti­on. Be honest with yourself.

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