Sunderland Echo

Motorcycle accidents still a big problem in region


- By David Allison Twitter: @davidallis­on88

A road safety campaign has been launched in a bid to cut deaths and injuries among motorcycli­sts.

Sunderland saw 26 bikers seriously injured and one killed in collisions between 2012 and 2016, while in County Durham there were 22 killed and 168 seriously injured.

Now with Easter almost upon us and spring weather approachin­g, more and more bikers are likely to take to the roads, which will lead to a higher risk of collisions and deaths.

According to recent figures, bikers are 55 times more likely to be killed in a road crash than car drivers.

Road Safety GB North East said between 2012 and 2016, 2,345 motorcycli­sts had been killed or injured in the region, with 780 being seriously injured and 52 killed.

The road safety group and police are urging bikers to take it easy when out on the roads and are appealing for motorists to take a second look for bikes before pulling out of junctions or attempting to overtake.

Paul Watson, chairman of Road Safety GB North East, said the majority of motorcycli­st fatalities involved bikes over 500cc, and 71% occurred on urban roads, rather than in rural areas.

“We are delighted to see that the number of motorcycle casualties across the region has decreased by 16% since 2012, but we are still seeing a high number of fatalities, and collision figures are way off where we would like them to be,” he said.

“Failing to look properly is a factor in many road collisions, and collisions involving motorbikes are no different. It may be that the biker hasn’t looked properly or is travelling too fast or not in accordance with the conditions or road.

“Sometimes they simply lose control of their bike.

“However, it could also be down to drivers failing to spot a motorbike when they are pulling out of a junction, or when they go to overtake.

“Bikers are more vulnerable to serious injury, so we urge everyone to take it easy, to drive or ride sensibly, and to look out for each other. It could save a life.”

Almost all motorcycli­sts, 97%, injured on the region’s roads since 2012 live in the region.

Inspector Dean Hood, of Northumbri­a Police Motor Patrols, said: “The safety of all road users, particular­ly vulnerable road users such as motorcycli­sts, is something which we take extremely seriously.

Motorcycli­sts can take some sensible precaution­s to help avoid being seriously injured such as; wearing appropriat­e safety clothing and equipment, ensuring their skills and experience are current for the motorcycle they are riding and also that their vehicles are roadworthy.”

 ??  ?? Road Safety GB North East Chairman Paul Watson.
Road Safety GB North East Chairman Paul Watson.

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