Sunderland Echo

Family’s plea after arrests


The family of teen Taylor Bowe who died suddenly are asking people not to hold vigils or be “disrespect­ful” to his memory after a number of arrests at gatherings for anti-social behaviour.

A number of vigil and remembranc­e events in Taylor’s memory have been organised by his friends, but following reports of abuse, criminal damage and antisocial behaviour relating to these events, police have arrested a number of people.

In a statement on Facebook Taylor’s dad Thomas said: “As Taylor’s father I would just like say that I am saddened by the trouble caused at these events held for my son’s memory and find it disrespect­ful.

“I know it is only the minority but please stop.

“We as a family are asking you not to hold anymore events and let us organise his funeral in peace without having to worry about what other people are doing.

“We want him to be re- membered for the kind, caring and loving boy he was, not because of the trouble associated with his name.

“Please respect our wishes.”

Mum Bronia added: “We want the friends whose lives he had touched, who meant something to him and those he knew personally to be able to attend his funeral.”

Neighbourh­ood Inspector Denise Townsley from Northumbri­a Police said: “We understand that people will want to pay their respects to Taylor, but there have been a concerning amounts of reports following these events which have been organised on social media and via word of mouth.

“There have been reports of abuse, criminal damage and anti-social behaviour and we have arrested a number of people in connection with this. We would encourage people to be respectful at the events and remember their friend in a positive manner.”

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