Sunderland Echo



ARIES Mar 21 – Apr 20

You’re more determined than ever to realise career ambitions. Those you work with will value and appreciate your leadership ability and will help you advance. Be willing to assume a new role involving lots of responsibi­lity. At times, even your high confidence will falter when carrying out these duties. When you Tel: 0905 506 6418 start feeling overwhelme­d, reach to your nearest and dearest.

TAURUS Apr 21 – May 21

A final hurdle remains with a personal expansion project. You might have to write a long paper, take a hefty exam or undergo one last interview. Continue preparing for this ordeal, but beware of burnout. Take a few moments to close your eyes, breathe deep and turn your attention inward. Connecting with your Tel: 0905 506 6418 spiritual self will give you the strength to take this last hurdle.

GEMINI May 22 – June 21

It’s time to take control of your finances. If you’ve been stuffing bills in a drawer, take them out and review them. Knowing the truth is much better than staying in the dark. It’s possible you can consolidat­e your debts into one monthly payment, reducing the onslaught of invoices. Are you thinking about filing Tel: 0905 506 6418 for bankruptcy? This can help you make a fresh start.

CANCER June 22 – July 23

You’ll have to come to the rescue of a business or romantic partner. Until recently, you assumed all was well with your friend. Looking back on the past few weeks, you realise they were sending up red flags. Face the truth. Your other half may have to undergo rehabilita­tion, take a sabbatical or undergo intensive Tel: 0905 506 6418 therapy.

LEO July 24 – Aug 23

You’ll have to make a few sacrifices for the sake of your wellbeing. If you’re in a troubled relationsh­ip, take a break. The continual drama is wearing on your nerves. Being on your own will allow you to regain your equilibriu­m. Have you been leading a sedentary lifestyle? Integrate exercise into your daily routine. Tel: 0905 506 6418 Even taking a brisk walk at lunch hour can make a big difference.

VIRGO Aug 24 – Sep 23

Stop neglecting your creative abilities. You’ve been blessed with tremendous artistic instincts. Suppressin­g them makes you feel anxious, tired and rebellious. Take time out of your busy schedule to work on a writing, music or design project each day. If this means waking up earlier or going to bed later, make the Tel: 0905 506 6418 adjustment.

LIBRA Sep 24 – Oct 23

Your home life needs your attention. Stop putting off important jobs for another day. If you must take time off work to do some repairs or supervise a plumber, so be it. Insisting on carrying out a routine will end in disaster. The last thing you want is for a small problem spiral into an expensive disaster. Tel: 0905 506 6418

SCORPIO Oct 24 – Nov 22

It’s time to establish strong boundaries. A bully must be confronted. Make it clear you will no longer tolerate their behaviour. If your tormentor feigns ignorance, rattle off a list of everything they’ve done to offend you. Don’t back down from your stance. When this pest realises you are no longer playing, they’ll probably Tel: 0905 506 6418 back off. If not, file an official report.

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 23 – Dec 22

Finding a steady source of income should be the priority. In the past, you were happy acting as a free agent, picking up jobs whenever the mood suited you. Now you have more responsibi­lities. Earning more regularly will ease pressure in your personal life. It’s easier to enjoy the company of loved ones when you aren’t Tel: 0905 506 6418 worried about money.

CAPRICORN Dec 23 – Jan 20

You must make some unpopular decisions for the sake of your own wellbeing. Stop coming to the rescue of irresponsi­ble people who are overly reliant on you. Turn your attention to activities that make you happy. When everyone realises you are no longer shoulderin­g their burdens, they’ll rebel. Prepare to be called Tel: 0905 506 6418 selfish and heartless.

AQUARIUS Jan 21 – Feb 19

Stop being so hard on yourself. When you continuall­y criticise your choices, you deflect success. Monitor your internal monologue more closely. Whenever you catch yourself dwelling on thoughts of guilt, shame or resentment, switch your thinking. Give yourself credit for taking risks and for acknowledg­ing your Tel: 0905 506 6418 mistakes.

PISCES Feb 20 – Mar 20

Friends are pushing you to make a change. Although you resent their interferen­ce, it is well meant. You’ve been struggling with the same problem for a long time. Until you make a change, the situation will continue to get worse. Be sensible and move to higher ground. It may be necessary to end a toxic relationsh­ip, Tel: 0905 506 6418 quit a stressful job or undergo a strict health regime.

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