Sunderland Echo

MP goes back to the classroom

- For schools, pupils and parents With Education Reporter Sue Kirby

Youngsters at a Sunderland school got the chance to put their MP through her paces when she went back to the classroom.

The children at Diamond Hall Junior Acdemy were delighted when the Labour MP for Sunderland Central, Julie Elliott, went along to meet with them.

She paid a visit to Diamond Hall Junior Academy this month in response to almost 30 letters, sent to her from enthusiast­ic pupils, concerned about the area around their Well Street school.

The pupils wrote to Mrs Elliott because they were worried about litter and flytipping in their local environmen­t.

Pupils were hoping they would get a response back from the MP through a letter.

But, little did they know that Mrs Elliott was so touched by their concern for the environmen­t she would end up visiting the school to discuss the matter in person.

During her visit to Diamond Hall Junior Acdemy, Mrs Elliott met with members of the school’s Rights Respecting School Steering Group to hear about the work they had done to gain Level 1 of UNICEFs Rights Respecting School Award recently.

Mrs Elliott then met with class 4DG and their teacher to discuss the hot topic that had drawn her to the school in the first place.

The MP listened carefully to the children’s worries about litter and took the time to answer a question from every pupil in the class about her work and parliament.

She also explained how she became an MP and how proud and special she feels to serve the country and her constituen­cy of Sunderland Central.

After admiring an art and writing installati­on on British politics, including an incredible replica of Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament built by pupils, Mrs Elliot left with a memento of the day, which was a drawing by one of the Year 6 youngsters.

Kim Bennett, Executive Headteache­r at Diamond Hall Junior Academy, said she was delighted Mrs Elliott took time out to visit the school.

She said: “It was fantastic to have Julie in school.

“Our pupils have listened intently to what she had to say, giving them a real insight into political life and the democratic process.

“What is most heartening is that, in line with our Rights Respecting ethos, pupil voice has been listened to and concerns over litter have been heard thanks to the positive action they took.”

“It was fantastic to have Julie in school” KIM BENNETT

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MP Julie Elliott meets with children at Diamond Hall Junior Academy.
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