Sunderland Echo

Mess is blight on our city


Council Leader Graeme Miller wants to stop the “blight on our city” by trying to get people to stop smoking or at least cut down on how much they actually smoke.

How about trying to stop the “blight to our city” that is “doggy doo-doo”, it is everywhere. In the back lanes, streets, playground­s, parks, hanging from trees in little black or washed out orange bags and even in a neighbour’s hedge (imagine that when the Black and Decker comes out).

On a recent visit to Bishopwear­mouth cemetery even my partners mother’s grave was covered in it.

I spoke to someone at the council and was told “a warden” would call me back, I’m still waiting.

So I put in a Freedom of Informatio­n Request and found out that since April 2016 only two, yes two, fixed penalty notices have been issued for dog fouling.

No doubt the council will use the good old “lack of funding” chestnut to explain the diabolical­ly low amount of fixed penalty notices.

So if there is a lack of funding how is it they can employ a man to drive round in a car with a camera mounted on it to catch illegal parkers (no I haven’t been caught) how much does that cost??

People choose to smoke, people choose to illegally park, dogs don’t choose where to “do it” but their owners choose not to pick it up.

So, Graeme Miller, get out and about, look in the back lanes, parks and streets see how much doggy doo-doo is there.

And while your on spend an hour stood near a bakers or fast food outlet and see what else “blights our city”.

Name withheld

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