Sunderland Echo



ARIES Mar 21 – Apr 20 You’ll be extremely busy, which is just the way you like it. Take this opportunit­y to run errands and cross things off your list of things to do. A new app will help you zip through chores. Your boss may be urging you to begin a new project but hold them off. You won’t be able to make progress until more reliable informatio­n becomes Tel: 0905 506 6418 available.

TAURUS Apr 21 – May 21 There’s never been a better time to negotiate a financial deal. If you’re overdue for a raise, ask for one. Submit a list of recent accomplish­ments to bolster your case. It will be impossible to argue with your logic. Don’t let emotion enter the conversati­on. Friends are relying on you too heavily for support. It’s time to Tel: 0905 506 6418 lighten this burden.

GEMINI May 22 – June 21 People are receptive to your upbeat energy. This is a great time to promote a project, go on a job interview or ask for a date. If you need money for a grant or scholarshi­p, apply now. Your chances for success are very strong. A passionate relationsh­ip is harrowing. You’re more comfortabl­e in the realm of the head Tel: 0905 506 6418 than the heart.

CANCER June 22 – July 23 Operating behind the scenes will be productive. You can move mountains when you’ re not being micro managed. Don’ t show your work to anyone until it is finished. The last thing you need is to have a well-intentione­d critic de rail your progress. A controllin­g business or romantic partner is under mining your confidence. Stop looking to Tel: 0905 506 6418 them-for approval.

LEO July 24 – Aug 23 Working with a team will be rewarding. You’ll enjoy brainstorm­ing with fellow creatives. If someone proposes an alternativ­e approach, give it a try. Flexibilit­y is your friend; stubbornne­ss is the enemy. A health problem can no longer be ignored. Get medical attention for a condition that has forced you to change your Tel: 0905 506 6418 daily routine.

VIRGO Aug 24 – Sep 23 A career breakthrou­gh is coming. At long last, you’ll land a position that is both prestigiou­s and stimulatin­g. Your superior communicat­ion skills will be welcomed at this new place of work. Use them to attract a neglected customer base; profits will soar. Resist the temptation to get lost in a world of pure pleasure. Tel: 0905 506 6418

LIBRA Sep 24 – Oct 23 Your love life is red hot with excitement. If you’re single, you’ll have the choice of two partners. Have fun playing the field while you make up your mind. Are you in a relationsh­ip? Your amour will give you a beautiful gift. Changes to your domestic life are happening, whether you want them or not. It may be Tel: 0905 506 6418 necessary to relocate.

SCORPIO Oct 24 – Nov 22 An intense relationsh­ip uplifts and inspires you. No matter what your financial situation is, your partner helps you to stay focused on what is truly important. Making a temporary sacrifice for long-term happiness is easy with their support; take a risk. Harsh criticism could tempt you to give up on a Tel: 0905 506 6418 meaningful task.

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 23 – Dec 22 There’s never been a better time to form a partnershi­p. Joining forces with a detailorie­nted person will make life much easier. With the help of your other half, you’ll be able to move out of limiting situations and try new things. Stop deluding yourself about a relative. Someone who is struggling with an addiction Tel: 0905 506 6418 needs help.

CAPRICORN Dec 23 – Jan 20 A job offer fills you with excitement. It will be so nice to take an assignment that offers lots of intellectu­al stimulatio­n. Whether you’re seeking a full-time position or freelance work, you will be pleased. Keep your options open and welcome whatever comes. Resist the temptation to pressure someone into taking a path that Tel: 0905 506 6418 doesn’t interest them.

AQUARIUS Jan 21 – Feb 19 This is a great time to apply to an academic programme, take a test or submit a paper. People are receptive to your original way of thinking. As a result, you could be awarded top honours or a merit scholarshi­p. Stop trying to hide a secret from your employer. If you’re struggling with a health problem, it’s best to Tel: 0905 506 6418 come clean.

PISCES Feb 20 – Mar 20 Making changes to your home life will be rewarding. It doesn’ t matter if you’ ve out grown your current living space or simply want to re decorate. The important thing is to change your surroundin­gs to accommodat­e your needs. Powerful emotions could prompt you to make mountains out of mole hills. If you get some surprising news, Tel: 0905 506 6418 don’t panic.

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