Sunderland Echo



ARIES Mar 21 – Apr 20 Dealing with a bossy employer is getting under your skin. You have a clear idea what must be done, but your boss disagrees. Carrying out their plans is discouragi­ng, because you know they are destined to fail. Start looking for another position. Your self-confidence makes you adept at solving problems. W Tel: 0905 506 6418

TAURUS Apr 21 – May 21 Someone with overbearin­g beliefs is affecting your work performanc­e. It’s time to report the problem to your boss. If you’re dealing with an overzealou­s employer, you should make it clear that you don’t appreciate their attempts to convert you. Set a clear boundary. Your excellent memory makes you a great resource for compiling a family history. Tel: 0905 506 6418

GEMINI May 22 – June 21 Problems with a partner’s insurance, income or benefits package demand your attention. It’s time to assemble the necessary paperwork. You might have to meet with a legal profession­al about getting payments that are owed to you. Be proactive about this situation. Satisfy your intense curiosity by taking a class. Tel: 0905 506 6418

CANCER June 22 – July 23 Don’t allow yourself to be dominated by others. Just because someone has more experience and training does not mean they know what is best for you. If you’re being pressured to go against your conscience, dig in your heels and voice your opposition. Negotiatin­g a good financial deal is within your grasp. Tel: 0905 506 6418

LEO July 24 – Aug 23 You have serious work to do regarding a health matter. If you’re in the grips of an addiction, it’s time to go to rehab. Nobody will judge you for getting help. On the contrary, you’ll get lots of gentle encouragem­ent for choosing this path. You’ll win a debate with your other half or child. They’re operating on emotion while you’re drawing on reason. Tel: 0905 506 6418

VIRGO Aug 24 – Sep 23 Stop bending over backwards just to please someone dear to your heart. You’re in a partnershi­p. This means you should be receiving as much as you give. There’s no reason you should have to go to extraordin­ary lengths to stay in your partner’s good graces. Take this opportunit­y to express your vivid imaginatio­n. Tel: 0905 506 6418

LIBRA Sep 24 – Oct 23 It will be difficult to pinpoint the problem with an appliance. Instead of trying to repair this item, it would be better to replace it. You don’t want to keep throwing away money on something that isn’t functionin­g properly. Check if there’s a warranty. Working with a large group will be rewarding. Tel: 0905 506 6418

SCORPIO Oct 24 – Nov 22 A negative outlook will drive opportunit­y from your door. Instead of dwelling on disappoint­ments, spend time each day envisionin­g what you want. This will raise your vibration and will attract the money, love and creative opportunit­ies you desire. Embody the lovely things you desire. Tel: 0905 506 6418

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 23 – Dec 22 Greed will get you nowhere. There are plenty of resources for everyone. Rather than pursuing a programme that will only benefit you, try developing a plan that will work for the entire group. You’ll make less money but will cultivate helpful friendship­s. A desire to acquire expert status will prompt you to enrol in a challengin­g course of study. Tel: 0905 506 6418

CAPRICORN Dec 23 – Jan 20 Exerting pressure on people will backfire. If you’re going to make progress with your colleagues, you should give them the facts, then make a strategic retreat. They’ll make a decision that makes sense for them; you can’t expect people to go against their interests. Having a heart to heart discussion with a loved one will be liberating. Tel: 0905 506 6418

AQUARIUS Jan 21 – Feb 19 A secret enemy could be causing trouble for you. Be less open with your colleagues and casual acquaintan­ces. Keep your personal informatio­n under lock and key. Upgrade your password sand don’ t give anyone access to your bank accounts. It’ s wise to exercise extra precaution­s. Working with someone who has excellent interperso­nal skills will be beneficial. Tel: 0905 506 6418

PISCES Feb 20 – Mar 20 Loved ones are trying to convince you their way is right. You’re not buying their proposal. Make a decision that sits well with your conscience. Even if things don’t work out, you’ll have no regrets. Concentrat­e on making the best of a difficult financial situation. Your creative flair is greatly appreciate­d at work. Tel: 0905 506 6418

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