Sunderland Echo

Charity is blasting back!

- By Richard Ord

“Are you really jealous of a mam who had to cremate her child?”

As comebacks go, the response of Lynn Murphy to internet ghouls trolling the work of the Bradley Lowery Foundation is as ruthless and cutting as they come.

That Lynn, a co-founder of the charity actually fighting and raising money for families coping with sick and dying children, has received this online abuse is bad enough.

But for it to reach the stage where the baseless online vitriol has forced her to defend the work of the charity in public, is shameful.

As Lynn rightly points out, their organisati­on is regulated by the charity commission. Any breaches or irregulari­ties would be spotted and acted upon immediatel­y.

And it’s not as if the Bradley Lowery Foundation has been operating in secret. Far from it.

They have been very public in everything they have done.

And perhaps that is the issue.

In this modern age of social media and the internet, it’s those with the highest profile that attract the greatest attention.

With all the tremendous good - and with Bradley Lowery there has been good news in spades - there comes an awful lot of bad.

The Bradley Lowery Foundation, for all the good it does, is now feeling the backlash of the unsavoury element of social media.

And on social media, it is too easy for the uneducated and ill-informed to publish and spread groundless rumour and insults.

Many choose to ignore the name-callers and plough on regardless.

But the Bradley Lowery Foundation has chosen to bite back and answer their critics in the harshest terms ... Good for them.

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