Sunderland Echo





6. Break-up of coal-pit is of current interest (7) 7. Piece of sacred music about eastern deity (5) 9 & 21Ac. They indicate the main distance from the same isle (3-5) 10. The amount of headroom required by a ship before sailing (9) 12. Order a liqueur (11) 15. Being surrounded, badly need navigation­al instrument inside (11) 17. When there's an obstructio­n round the street, the case is in his hands (9) 19. See 3 Down 21. See 9 Across 22. Planet varying with the temperatur­e (7)


1. See 2 Down 2 & 1Dn. They come from conifers (3-5) 3 & 19Ac. Lanky youngster with a high chest! (4-3) 4. Say it ends the downfall of ruling families (9) 5. Ancestry could be quite a come-down (7) 8. Normal courses of behaviour assumed by riders (6) 11. Concerning the origins of monetary requiremen­ts (9) 13. Reveal erstwhile attitude (6) 14. For the sick person, it's having no effect (7) 16. Unfinished work on the railway causes concern (5) 18. Unruffled time for the poet (4) 20. The leaders of any comedy troupes do (3)


6. Road (7) 7. Indolence (5) 9. Hiatus (3) 10. Right (9) 12. Absurd (11) 15. Working (11) 17. Uneven (9) 19. Base (3) 21. Unreasonab­le (5) 22. Perilous (7)


1. Necessary (5) 2. Bashful (3) 3. Role (4) 4. Irrational (9) 5. Everlastin­g (7) 8. Quickly (6) 11. Polite (9) 13. Arrange (3,3) 14. Frugal (7) 16. Fashion (5) 18. Absent (4) 20. Bad (3)

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