Sunderland Echo

Fitness trends set to be big in 2019


When you think about what new year resolution­s you’ll have in 2019, there is a good chance that getting in shape will be one of the first things you will think of.

And while we all start January with a spring in our step ready to begin we might not know what to do or maybe you’re a bit bored and stuck in a rut.

But with this year coming to an end and if you’re looking for something different to add to your fitness regime in 2019 and mix things up a bit, we have some of the biggest trends to look out for.

New trends and technology are always being developed in the fitness world, but also old trends evolve to stay fresh and exciting, adding a new twist to your routine can be refreshing and give you a boost to your fitness classes.

So why not try something new in 2019?

Here are some of ASCM top 20 worldwide fitness trends. watches, heart rate monitors, and GPS tracking devices. Examples include fitness and activity trackers like those made by Misfit®, Garmin®, and Apple®. These devices can track heart rate, calories, sitting time, and much more. This trend expands the personal trainer’s role from strictly one-on-one training to small group training. The personal trainer works with two or more people (but in a small group of less than five) and offers discounts for the group. Keep an eye for the new East Coast Fitness programme coming in Jan 19! These exercise programs typically involve short bursts of high-intensity bouts of exercise followed by a short period of rest. Although there are several commercial examples of HIIT, all emphasise higher intensitie­s (above 90%) of maximum during the higher intensity segments followed by periods of rest and recovery. This is a trend that emphasises and caters to the fitness needs of the Baby Boom and older generation­s. These individual­s in general have more discretion­ary money than their younger counterpar­ts, and fitness clubs may capitalise on this growing market. People are living longer, working longer, and remaining healthy and active much longer. YOGA. Yoga has taken on a variety of forms within the past year (including Power Yoga, Yogilates, yoga in hot environmen­ts, and others). Instructio­nal tapes and books also are plentiful, as are certificat­ions in the many yoga formats.

This trend continues as the profession of personal training becomes more accessible online, in health clubs, in the home, and in worksites that have fitness facilities. Personal training includes fitness testing and goal setting with the trainer working one on one with a client to prescribe workouts specific to each client’s individual needs and goals.

Exercise is Medicine (EIM) is a global health initiative that is focused on encouragin­g primary care physicians and other health care providers to include physical activity assessment and associated treatment recommenda­tions as part of every patient visit and referring their patients to exercise profession­als. In addition, EIM recognises fitness profession­als as part of the health care team in their local communitie­s.

Now available for mobile devices such as the iPhone®, iPad®, and Android, apps like Nike Run Club® and MapMyRun or Ride include both audio and visual prompts to begin and end exercise and cues to move on. Other apps include Endomondo Pro® and Yoga with Janet Stone® among many others. Some of these apps can track progress over time as well as hundreds of other functional­ities. These devices include the deep tissue roller, myofascial release, and trigger point relief and are designed to massage, relieve muscle tightness and muscle spasms, increase circulatio­n, ease muscular discomfort, and assist in the return to normal activity. Rollers have been designed for the low back, the hips, and larger muscle groups, such as the hamstrings and the glutes. Some rollers are made of foam, whereas others are hard rubber, to achieve the desired effect.

This is a trend for health and fitness profession­als to offer more outdoor activities such as group walks, group rides, or organised hiking groups. They can be short events, day long events, or planned week hiking excursions.

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