Sunderland Echo

Becky’s one-woman mission to keep streets tidy


A Washington woman is using her daily walk to keep the streets tidy and continue her litter-picking passion in face of an increase in fly-tipping during the coronaviru­s lockdown.

Becky Swindlles, 36, has made it her mission to keep Washington tidy, and is finding she is taking on her biggest challenge yet as fly-tipping increasesd­uetotipsbe­ingforced to close.

Becky,whoisacare­rforher mother,foundapass­ionforlitt­er-picking two years ago and wants to continue to support the community during lockdown by keeping up her work.

Becky is doing her bit by making sure the streets are clean for people going on their dailywalks­andexercis­eduring lockdown, but has seen a huge increase in people fly tipping and dumping rubbish.

She said: “I have been continuing my work to keep Washington tidy when the family does our daily walk. I have found residents have been having clearouts during the lockdown and many have kept it on their premises but I have seen an increase of flytipping in all areas.

“During this lockdown, many are isolating and I just thought me still getting out there is just helping them just a little.

“Thingsneed­tobekeptno­rmalasposs­ible,residentsd­on't want to see litter or fly-tipping whilst they do their daily exercise.”


warned flytippers they will still be prosecuted during the coronaviru­s crisis.

Councilsac­rossthecou­ntry haveseenan­upswinginf­ly-tippingsin­cethebegin­ningofthe coronaviru­s crisis.

Sunderland City Council has prosecuted a number of offenders in recent months, ranging from illegal dumpers to people who drop litter.

 ??  ?? Becky Swindlles is doing her bit to keep the streets tidy.
Becky Swindlles is doing her bit to keep the streets tidy.

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