Sunderland Echo

What has gone wrong?

- Gillian Gibson,

Having read director of public health for Sunderland Gillian Gibson's outraged comments, I would argue that she is deluded if she believes Sunderland is not at high risk of anticipati­ng a spike in new covid cases.

I am ashamed of this community.

The behaviour of most - yes, I mean most - is questionab­le.

If they are distancing, they smoke or vape in queues: it's disgusting.

There is no considerat­ion for others; the ones who smoke drop their cigarette ends where they stand.

People must acknowledg­e that smoke or vapour can make others feel nauseous and if you leave the queue to avoid it you have to queue again; there is no escape.

We simply want to get our shopping and return home.

The ones who give no thought to distancing think they're immune.

They often come within close proximity of others, lean across people, and ignore arrows, signs and guidelines.

If you politely object, expect a torrent of abuse and often threats!

The litter louts, coughers and spitters are the worst; it's treacherou­s out there.

Even visiting our dearly beloved in the cemeteries is risky as the inconsider­ate among us often run amok, including children, large groups of teenagers, unleashed dogs etc., and disturb what should be a peaceful resting place - where is the respect for our lost loved ones in their consecrate­d ground?

The majority of people in Sunderland generally display a complete lack of respect for most things, including themselves.

Basic manners, hygiene and care should not be scorned.

What has gone wrong?

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