Sunderland Echo

■ Echo comment: We’re so proud of you all


Ayear like no other has seen a response from our community like no other - you have done yourselves so very proud!

As we reflect on a year of life in lockdown, the overwhelmi­ng feeling is one of immense pride at how Wearsiders have come together in adversity.

It has been a struggle, of that there is no doubt.

Our movements have been restricted, family and friends kept apart for the good of the most vulnerable in our community. Working life too has been hit hard, people furloughed and many businesses but under intense pressure to survive.

Our mental health has also been tested and, quite obviously, the health of the city in the grip of a horrific pandemic has taken its own toll.

More than 800 people lost their lives through Covid-19, and it is only right that we pause in remembranc­e of those who died. But we should also pause and reflect on those who have gone above and beyond during this lockdown.

In big ways and small, community heroes have emerged from the struggle. Neighbours, volunteers, workers, carers … in all walks of life this incredible situation has prompted incredible acts in our community.

When Sunderland City Council leader Graeme Miller tells us today “our city already had a great community spirit and that has never wavered as thousands pitched in to help others who may be less fortunate than themselves” we can only agree wholeheart­edly.

You have all done your community proud.

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