Sunderland Echo

Online voices


Dozens more coronaviru­s cases have been confirmed across Sunderland.

Elaine Mansell: Thank you Sunderland Hospital staff and all the carers for keeping going with your work. God bless you all love ElaineXXXX­XX

Kelly Anne Cressey: Does it matter how many more cases as long as it’s not killing anyone?? It’s the deaths that are the worry! The country can get back to normal as long as people aren’t dying from it - surely no one thinks we should continue to close down the entire country

Nickie Richmond: There has only been 5500 positive tests in the whole of the UK in the last 24 hours out of hundreds of thousands of tests so I feel it's definitely in the right direction

David Cowley: Will people please stop moaning about others going for a walk along the beach . The risks are minimal outside and it is a simple task to stay 2 metres away from others , if you can't do that it's probably best you do stay indoors

Julie Klein: 31 is lowest in a while isn’t it I imagined “Dozens” to be a bigger number !!

Keith Airson: Always going to go up with kids going back to school but keep getting the jab and we will get thru it

Celia Domenech: It’s here to stay ( thank you China) let’s get vaccinated, be cautious and look out for one another.

Eric Murphy: I’m going back to work end of story Caroline Errington: Everyone from all over swarming to the beach doesn’t help

Pamela Armstrong: Keep to the rules and we will beat this virus

Catherine Collinson: Go to the beach go for walks this is not a police state

Beverley Jayne: 31 cases and kid's are back to school and college.

Elaine Johnson: So what. Let's hope they all make a full recovery

Martin Bibby: No point in reporting it anymore the vulnerable and elderly have been vaccinated lets get on with our lives

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