Sunderland Echo

Cases falling – but we can’t be complacent


News that Sunderland’s coronaviru­s case rate level has fallen to its lowest level since August is something we should all welcome – but none of us can afford to be complacent.

The latest figures show that, at the start of this week, the case rate for the city had dropped to 15.1 per 100,000 people.

That is a marked decrease from the start of the year when, in the first week of January, the rate was 573 per 100,000.

It is Sunderland’s lowest case rate since the end of August and it is also below the north east average.

But while these are very promising signs, it is very important not to get carried away and think the battle to stop the spread of COVID-19 is over.

Indeed, as Sunderland's Executive Director of Public Health & Integrated Commission­ing Gerry Taylor says on the pages of the Echo today: “Now is not the time to take our foot off the gas.”

This message feels especially important as we all start to enjoy the easing of lockdown. Of being able to meet up with friends more, to socialise in beer gardens or visit our favourite shops.

There is a responsibi­lity on all of us to stick to the guidelines and to adhere to the advice of experts.

It also means trying to avoid places that are too crowded, even if it means staying away from popular spots when they are very busy.

The last thing any of us want is a new spike that leads to a return of the restrictio­ns we have just come out of.

The battle goes on. Let’s not undo all of the hard work now, Sunderland.

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