Sunderland Echo

Call for change to student loans system


Changes are being demanded in the student loans system after nearly £19m in over-payments by scholars was found to have been held by the Government over the last five years.

Just under 60,000 former students have overpaid on their loans since 2015-16 and are owed refunds, averaging more than £300 each, according to Student Loans Company (SLC) data.

The figures, obtained by Research Profession­al News, show nearly £18.4m of overpaymen­ts on student loans has not yet been refunded to graduates' bank accounts.

The SLC said it has introduced a new online repayment service over the past two years to make it easier for former students to managethei­rloansandh­elpavoid over-repayment.

But Rachel Hewitt, director of policy and advocacy at the Higher Education Policy Institute, said: "It is unethical for the loan recipients to have to take the responsibi­lity for ensuring they are not overpaying. It shows flaws in the system, that there is still such a significan­t number of graduates overpaying.

"It is essential that this is addressed, to avoid further distrust in the loans system."

A SLC spokesman said: "Over the past two years, SLChasintr­oduced a new Online RepaymentS­ervicetoma­keit easier for customers to manage their student loan and to help avoid over-repayment. These improvemen­ts have significan­tly reduced the amount over-repaid.

A Department for Education (DfE) spokeswoma­n said: "No one should have to overpayont­heirstuden­tloan and we have taken steps to improve the system to avoid this happening in the future.

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