Sunderland Echo

Online voices



Beauty business loses appeal over semiperman­ent make up operation in garage. There were concerns it could "amplify" traffic problems in the area.

Colin Smith: Three customers a day, presumably one at a time. Is one extra car really going to make that much difference? This is pathetic.

Yates Kate: What's her other alternativ­e? Claim dole? Honestly no incentive for people these days to get on in life.

Baz Caney: Maybe if high street rent wasn’t so extortiona­te, people might actually fill the empty shops instead of setting up business in their garage.

Alex Thompson: If it's during the day between 9am and 6pm I don't see the problem with someone setting up at home.

Rachel Lewis: You can only work on one person at a time so surely there won't be cars taking up lots of parking spaces! Ridiculous.

Victoria Hope: No different to if family were to visit on a regular basis especially if she had a big family, just madness it is!

David Brockbanks: Maximum of three clients a day, it’s hardly flooding the street with traffic.

Lily Graham: I feel like we need to get some kind of petition/appeal against this – it's disgusting!

Lynne Roberts: Probably because she asked for planning permission in retrospect, they don't like that.

Ashton Robinson: Just another self employed person trying to make more profit and shut down by the council . Why would any one in the area object?

Zoe Dillon: So if this person had a life changing accident and needed carers three times a day to visit their home would that be refused too?

Amanda Surtees: One car per client, one client at a time. Just being awkward for the sake of it.

Michelle Shearer: The council will never approve of this kind of thing.

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