Sunderland Echo

One in four scam victims aged 21 to 30, says Barclays


Young adults are the most likely age group to have been scammed in recent months, according to a major bank, despite many 20-somethings feeling confident that it will not happen to them.

One in four (25%) scam victims is aged 21 to 30, according to data from Barclays covering scams reported to it by customers between March and May 2022.

But a separate survey of

2,000 people for the bank found that just over three-quarters (76%) of 21 to 30-year-olds are confident they will not fall victim to a scam.

Barclays said scams often take place on tech platforms such as social media, purchase/ auction websites, or dating apps, making younger people particular­ly susceptibl­e.

Purchase scams, where people buy goods that never arrive or are not as advertised, are by far the most common type of scam – accounting for more than half (60%) of all scams in the last three months, according to Barclays’ data.

People aged 21 to 30 made up 28% of purchase scam victims in the statistics, compared with 4% who are aged 61 to 70 and just 2% who are over 70.

Barclays said smartphone­s are among the most common type of item fraudsters advertise.

It found that more than half (55%) of 21 to 30-year-olds are planning to purchase a new smartphone this summer.

The bank is warning people to be wary of offers which are too good to be true.

Ross Martin, head of digital safety at Barclays, said: “Many people picture an elderly person when they think of a scam victim, and, whilst it’s true that older people are more likely to fall for higher value scams, the most common type of scams are where people are tricked into buying something they never receive.

“Scammers usually offer items for significan­tly lower than its value to lure you in – stop and question why any legitimate seller would do this.

“Check the seller’s website and be wary of anyone asking for a bank transfer rather than a debit or credit card transactio­n.”

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