Sunderland Echo

Booze thief arrested, charged and jailed, all within 48 hours


A thief who swiped 10 bottles of alcohol from a city centre bar was arrested, charged and jailed – all within 48 hours.

John Weatherald forced his way into Bobby’s Bar on Low Row, Sunderland, on Monday, April 8, and helped himself to the haul.

The 54-year-old was spotted on CCTV wandering behind the bar and stealing bottles of Tequila Rose, Smirnoff and Captain Morgan before making off.

But unfortunat­ely for Weatherald, he was immediatel­y identified on the footage by officers from the Sunderland Altogether Improving Lives (SAIL) partnershi­p.

The collaborat­ive project sees police work together with the council, businesses and other partners to combat crime in the city centre and bring justice against perpetrato­rs.

Weatherald, of St Barnabas Way, Hendon, was swiftly arrested and charged with burglary on April 9.

He appeared before magistrate­s in South Tyneside the following day where he admitted the offence and was jailed for 22 weeks.

Northumbri­a Police Sergeant Dave Catton, who spearheads the SAIL project in Sunderland, said: “This was a case of fantastic teamwork between teams of officers, especially the Millfield Neighbourh­ood Team, as well as our criminal justice partners to reach a swift and successful outcome.

“Weatherald showed a total disregard for the law and others as he broke into the bar and swiped various bottles of alcohol – in the hope that he would not be caught.

“But this conviction shows the real and tangible impact that the SAIL project is making in our city centre, and that would not be possible without the ongoing support of our partners and the public.”

Sgt Catton added: “We all want to live, work and visit a city centre that is hassle-free and safe for all.

"Burglary is such an intrusive crime and we make no apology for taking strong and robust action against offenders.”

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