The Arran Banner

Safe to open island?



I would like to ask Arran islanders when they will feel safe to open the island?

The people managing Scotland’s health still say there is no safe period as although the virus may reduce, it will never go away. The question will be asked during the winter when it will no doubt raise its head again.

My worry is the island may not be able to sustain no visitors coming to the island in the few months that are left this year.

These few months could keep some businesses afloat till the 2021 season as the government has promised to pull the support for businesses before the end of the year.

I have a caravan on Arran. I have not been allowed on the island this year. I buy all my groceries and stores on the island, I eat out every weekend on the island and I drink in the pubs and hotels. I support all the special days, including the Highland Games. I am a member of a golf club and I pay rent and rates for my caravan.

At seven years of age, 65 yes ago, I sat in the Aldersyde Hotel watching and listening to my granny playing the piano for residents and island visitors. I have brought my two grandchild­ren, now aged 17 and 19, to the island since they were babies.

I would not like to see Arran going back to the 1980s when some pubs were only supported by islanders because of the lack of tourists when Lamlash was, at one time, the European sea fishing capital. I understand it’s down to locals when the island opens but I would advise sooner rather than later. The virus will eventually arrive so you could also be looking at losing 2021 trade. I hope the people of Arran make the right decision to save businesses on Arran.

Yours, Alex Kay, Glasgow.

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