The Arran Banner

Beckford changes needed



I was fascinated and moved by Cicely Gill’s letter in the Banner (Arran’s slavery link) and hearing of her Beckford family link.

Soon after the reopening of the castle, I had gone to see the interior refurbishm­ent expecting to find a new, and very overdue, reinterpre­tation of the Beckford silver collection. I was amazed; there was no reference at all to the grim and shameful history of slavery on the Jamaican sugar plantation­s lying behind the gross ostentatio­n of this silver hoard.

On questionin­g this I was told that it was work in progress and new interpreti­ve material would be forthcomin­g. So it is shocking to find that the progress in handling links to slavery seen in recent years at other NTS properties have yet to reach Brodick.

Cicely Gill’s letter is a reminder that a true understand­ing of history can have contempora­ry relevance. What better means of presenting the reality of slavery than an honest treatment of the Beckford silver?

There is a connection here to another item in the Banner of June 19. I refer to the heart-rending plight of the Young Naturalist­s.

Their meetings have been suspended due to the COVID-19 restrictio­ns and the ranger service being furloughed. The sad reality is that if the NTS redundancy programme is put into effect there is little chance this valuable, much-loved and long-running club resuming even after the restrictio­ns are relaxed; another casualty of central office mismanagem­ent.

Those concerned about the fate of the ranger service can visit the Facebook page, Save NTS Rangers. Some concerned trust members are writing to the trust to ask for an Emergency General Meeting. The NTS case can be read at­scase.

Best regards,

Robin Barnden Lamlash.

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