The Arran Banner

Produce flourishin­g at the community land initiative


Back in April, at the start of lockdown, the Banner reported that volunteers at the Arran Community Land Initiative (ACLI) had sprung into action with the aim of contributi­ng to the production of fresh fruit, vegetables and herbs for those living on the island.

At the time there was some uncertaint­y about how available some food supplies would be as the pandemic continued. Grants were awarded by the National Lottery and the Corra Foundation specifical­ly to encourage community resilience during the lockdown. The idea was to grow produce for both individual families who might be finding it difficult to afford fresh food and to help local restaurant­s whose income had suddenly reduced.

The stalwart group of seven volunteers, plus occasional extras, have been working hard on the community section of the land on three mornings each week. The prepared beds and hastily assembled containers in the polytunnel were planted with a wide range of vegetables, then tended and watered regularly and given plenty of TLC. The soft fruit bushes were netted and new areas dug over ready for later planting.

The results have been impressive and the crops have produced a plentiful harvest. Through the gardening team’s contact with local agencies a number of families were identified who it was thought would find the produce useful. Over the last month or so eight boxes with a selection of vegetables, soft fruit, herbs and flowers grown on the site has been handed over every week for distributi­on. In addition, three Arran restaurant and food-producing businesses have been to the site to pick produce and made a small payment towards costs.

Nick Burgess, chairman of ACLI, and one of the volunteers himself, said: ‘A tremendous amount of work has taken place on the land since March and we are greatly indebted to the reliable volunteers who have braved rain and midges to do this work.

‘It has been also been very enjoyable to work in the sunshine with great companions and then very satisfying to see the beautiful boxes of produce leave here every week.

‘I must make a special mention of Kathy Sayer and Malcolm Whitmore who have kept us all motivated and set a high standard in hard work.’

The production will keep going for the rest of the summer and those involved hope that it will continue to make a long-lasting contributi­on to fresh food production on Arran.

The trustees are always keen to hear from anyone who wants to get involved at ACLI as a volunteer or with specialist knowledge of horticultu­re, land management, rural skills and outdoor education.

Please contact them via the website if you would like to find out more www.arranland. org/

 ??  ?? Produce growing at the community land initiative.
Produce growing at the community land initiative.
 ??  ?? Boxes of flowers, fruit, vegetables and herbs produced weekly at the community land initiative.
Boxes of flowers, fruit, vegetables and herbs produced weekly at the community land initiative.

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