The Chronicle

Consultati­on into proposed closure of inpatient ward at hospital ends today


TIME is running out for campaigner­s to save a Northumber­land hospital ward from closing.

The three-month consultati­on by the NHS Northumber­land Clinical Commission­ing Group (CCG) over plans to close the 12-bed inpatient ward at Rothbury Community Hospital ends today.

The facility has been temporaril­y shut for seven months after health bosses found it was “underused”.

The CCG is proposing to permanentl­y close the ward and shape existing services around a health and wellbeing centre at the hospital. Dr Alistair Blair, clinical chairman at the CCG, said: “We are very pleased so many people took the time to attend both of our public meetings and the drop-in sessions.

“We have heard a lot of comments about the proposal, particular­ly around the inpatient beds and the need for respite care.

“Some people also shared their ideas about the kind of services we might include in a health and wellbeing centre, for example, chiropody and eye care services and more services for children and people with mental health conditions.”

The CCG said all comments will be taken into considerat­ion and a report will be published after the consultati­on ends.

The plans have faced huge opposition since they were unveiled and more than 4,500 people have signed a petition calling for the ward to be re-opened,

Protesters armed with placards and megaphones also took part in a demonstrat­ion outside the hospital last year.

Share your views by completing an online survey at www.northumber­­d/RCHconsult­ation; emailing; or calling the CCG on 01670 335178.

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Protesters call for the inpatient ward to be kept open
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