The Chronicle

Police led on a dangerous car pursuit

- By Sara Nichol @SaraNichol­10 Reporter

A DANGER driver took police on a pursuit near to where children were playing before narrowly missing a cyclist and crashing into a lamp post.

Jamie Alder failed to stop at junctions and travelled at “inappropri­ate speeds” in 20mph limit zones.

A court was told officers were eventually forced to abandon their pursuit because of safety fears for nearby pedestrian­s and other road users.

But, in his panic to get away, the 21-year-old nearly hit a cyclist before ploughing into a lamp post and fleeing on foot.

Police checks revealed the crashed car belonged to Alder’s dad and he was arrested soon after.

Now, Alder, of Swallow Tail Court, South Shields, has been given an eightmonth prison sentence, suspended for 12 months, and banned from the roads after admitting one count of dangerous driving and one of possessing a class A drug.

Sitting at Newcastle Crown Court’s Moot Hall, Recorder Toby Hedworth QC told him: “You drove a relatively short distance, under a mile, but in residentia­l areas where there were 20mph limits for a number of roads.

“It’s not suggested this was the worst type of driving but you were driving too fast for the road conditions and you attempted to get away from police, including pulling out from junctions without stopping.

“There became a point where police wisely decided it was a good idea to stop the pursuit.”

The Recorder added: “This was at a time of day where there were not only other road users but cyclists and pedestrian­s and that’s where problems occur with this sort of driving.”

Kevin Wardlaw, prosecutin­g, said police began following Alder after he came to their attention while driving along Reed Street, in South Shields, at around 10.30am on August 12.

He said: “The defendant was driving along Reed Street, which is a 20mph speeds limit, and children playing in the street.

“He was travelling at speed not such as would give rise for a prosecutio­n, but too fast for the road conditions, which attracted the officers’ attention.”

Alder then failed to stop and led the police on a pursuit through Dean Road, Byron Street and Imeary Street before turning on to George Potts Street.

Mr Wardlaw added: “The defendant collided with a lamp post and made-off from the vehicle.”

The court was told two wraps of cocaine were found inside the car when it was searched.

Claire Anderson, mitigating, said Alder had panicked about the drugs in the vehicle when he saw the police trying to pull him over.

She said: “He had had an argument with his girlfriend that day. That’s what caused him to get in the car and drive away.”

Alder was also ordered to do 100 hours of unpaid work and was banned from driving for 12 months.

 ??  ?? Jamie Alder
Jamie Alder

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