The Chronicle

I like to think that we work hard at what we do. We don’t want to do stuff that is just a sad pastiche of our former selves



FOR an act that started out as an “utterly bonkers idea”, Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark have certainly had staying power.

In fact, it is nearly 40 years since frontmen Andy McCluskey and Paul Humphreys first took their tentative steps on the road to electronic superstard­om.

The fact they are still touring – AND releasing top five albums – is testament to their musiciansh­ip, songwritin­g skills and ability to by-pass any `in-style’ music genre fad.

They return to Sage Gateshead on Wednesday following the top five success of recent album The Punishment of Luxury.

I suggest to McCluskey they must be doing something right to have survived in the fickle music industry this long.

“You’re not going to get any argument from me on that one,” he laughs. “The sound has changed but the ethos remains the same.

“There is always going to be an essential musical DNA. Even when we take the biggest risk and jump off the cliff of trying to do something very experiment­al we always want a musicality.

“By the time we parachute to the ground, we’ve played around with it and put melodies on and lyrics on.

“The thing that Kraftwerk taught us when we were teenagers was you can actually have an intellectu­al content in your music, challengin­g sounds and still having melody and musicality, and that’s what we have always tried to do.

“We’ve toured a lot in the last few years and the great thing is when we play new material it does fit in and the audience don’t start fidgeting or going to the toilet or the bar.

“Plus we don’t judge ourselves by the sales or the chart positions. We never would have started the band had that been our primary drive. It was an utterly bonkers idea – two guys and a tape recorder with a crazy name playing German-inspired synth music in a Liverpool new wave club.

“It wasn’t one of the best ideas for global dominance really.”

So why DID it work, I ask? “All musicians should be having the most intense, the most intelligen­t, the most open and the most honest conversati­on they can possibly have with themselves,” he replies.

“You extract the music from yourself, as you are able then to learn and assess your own feelings and thoughts and when it works and it talks to you in a strong language that resonates with you, you do then hope that somebody else can understand the language you are speaking.

“Everyone seems to have a different favourite on Luxury and we will play about five songs from the album.”

Following the stellar reaction to their 13th studio album The Punishment Of Luxury, which entered the UK Album Chart at #4, OMD have released a new video for What We Have Done, the third 12” single to be taken from the record.

The record is the band’s first to feature Paul Hum-

phreys on lead vocals in over 30 years and the vinyl release was limited to just 1,000 copies worldwide.

Paul describes the track as “an intensely personal song about life, love and loss. It’s about facing and confrontin­g life-changing decisions, and situations, that we all have to face at some point in our lives, and then having to live and deal with the resulting and inescapabl­e consequenc­es of our choices”.

It will no doubt get a live airing on stage on Wednesday, giving Humphreys the chance to shine. Anyone who has ever been to an OMD gig in the past will know the bulk of it is McCluskey bounding around the stage like a teenager, never letting up and leaving the audience breathless just watching.

“As Paul Humphreys likes to say, I’ve spent the best part of 40 years over-compensati­ng for his static performanc­e,” he jokes.

“It’s become so commonplac­e too. It’s almost as if I go into a Shaman-istic trance. If I didn’t come off stage utterly exhausted I wouldn’t feel like it had actually been a gig.

“It’s not very dignified at my age but I just can’t do anything else.

“It keeps you fit. I am actually one of the few people who lose weight on tour.

“I like to think that we work hard at what we do. We don’t want to do stuff that is just a sad pastiche of our former selves. When we tour, we care about how the show is. We’re not just there to collect the money and walk away.

“If we’re going to make an album, we’re not going to release it unless we think it is really great. I guess somewhere along the line we’ve had sufficient talent to express ourselves in a way that does resonate positively with enough other people who wanted to buy the new music and come to concerts. So we are blessed.” Four years ago, though, OMD went though a bit of a dark time. During a North American tour on the back of their album English Electric, long-time drummer Malcolm Holmes suffered a cardiac arrest while on stage in Toronto. “He’s OK now, but he can’t play with us these days,” says McCluskey. “After his cardiac arrest we specifical­ly decided to stop for 12 months – so we didn’t put any pressure on him whilst he recovered also because it did make us stop and think. “The English Electric album four years ago was so well received, we found ourselves in a position we hadn’t been in for 30 years where we were over-extended and too much in demand. And you suddenly remember the music industry is a very selfish mistress. “If you’re lucky enough to be successful and liked it can take your life over. When you are our age, and are parents and have partners and kids and have parents that you love, you don’t really want to be away for eight months and not see the people that you love. You have to strike a balance. What was interestin­g was, by taking time off and stepping back and spending time with the people we love, smelling the roses, going for walks and visiting art galleries, not only did we make sure we stayed connected with those that we loved, the well of inspiratio­n had time to refill slowly. “So we had a lot of interestin­g ideas to try when we started to write music again.” Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark are at Sage Gateshead on Wednesday, November 22.

It was an utterly bonkers idea – two guys and a tape recorder with a crazy name playing German inspired synth music in a Liverpool new wave club

 ??  ?? Andy McCluskey and Paul Humphreys back in November 1981
Andy McCluskey and Paul Humphreys back in November 1981
 ??  ?? OMD, who play at Gateshead Sage tomorrow
OMD, who play at Gateshead Sage tomorrow

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