The Chronicle


- With Rory Thomson

Q: My 10-year-old female Jack Russell has had a bad stomach for a week. She has had diarrhoea and, in the last two days, she’s been sick with bile four times. I am worried because I have heard of a virus which causes dogs to die – could it be this? CARLA O’ROURKE

I suspect the disease you are referring to is parvovirus. This virus is very pathogenic. Susceptibl­e dogs often die within days of showing signs. As such I think it is unlikely that your dog is suffering from the same disease. Routine vaccinatio­ns usually provide adequate protection against this virus, however, owners in your area of young dogs that have not had their first annual booster may benefit from an earlier booster depending on the dates of the primary vaccinatio­n course at their vets. If in any doubt, contact your local veterinary surgeon for further advice. Most cases of minor stomach upset settle down within three to five days. As your dogs’ signs have persisted for a week, I would recommend getting your dog checked by your vet in case there is something else underlying. Depending on what is found on clinical exam, blood testing may be required to check liver and kidney function or simply providing an anti-sickness injection to give your dogs stomach a rest. Dehydratio­n and electrolyt­e imbalance can occur with tummy upsets and fluid therapy may be recommende­d. Often these signs are nothing to worry about and symptomati­c support can be curative. Occasional­ly it can be a sign of something more sinister so it is worth a quick check by your vet.

Please note that advice in this section is for general guidance and if your pet is very unwell, you should contact your veterinary surgeon as soon as possible as this advice does not replace the need for a clinical examinatio­n of your pet. Rory Thomson is part of the team at St Clair Veterinary Care in Croft Road, Blyth. If you have a question, fill out the online form at chroniclel­

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