The Chronicle

Mums pledge support for opt-out donation scheme


- By KATHRYN RIDDELL Reporter @KathrynRid­dell

TWO mums have pledged their support for opt-out organ donation after their own children had heart transplant­s.

Tracie Wright and Alice Holton both have children who received a new heart in the Freeman Hospital in Newcastle.

Tracie’s son Charlie Douthwaite was given a donor’s heart when he was just eight weeks old after being born on October 2 with half a heart.

Sadly, Ella Dee, Alice’s eight-yearold daughter, lost her battle for life in August in the Freeman Hospital, while waiting for a second heart transplant.

Now both mums have joined together to urge others to sign the organ donation register to help save the lives of others.

Their pleas came after Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt launched a consultati­on looking at introducin­g the opt-out system to England.

Mr Hunt said: “Every day three people die for want of a transplant, which is why our historic plans to transform the way organ donation works are so important.

“We want as many people as possible to have their say as we shape the new opt-out process.

“But as well as changing the law, we also need to change the conversati­on - it can be a difficult subject to broach, but overcoming this fatal reluctance to talk openly about our wishes is key to saving many more lives in the future.”

Tracie, a mum-of-three from Fenham, said: “The opt-out campaign is so important, every child deserves to live.

“There’s children who still need hearts in here, they’re really sick.

“People need to speak to their families about organ donation because even if you have signed onto the register they can still go against it.

“If you express your wishes to them and let them know you want to do it and your reasons why you want to do it, it’s an amazing thing.

“I just think the opt-out would help so many people.”

She has been joined in the campaign by mum Alice, whose daughter Ella had a heart transplant which gave her an extra two years of life. Ella was diagnosed with a major heart defect while she was still in the womb and underwent the transplant operation when she was six. Tragically, her body began to reject the new organ and following complicati­ons, Ella passed away in the arms of her mum and dad Darren Dee in August. Despite her first transplant being unsuccessf­ul in the long term, Alice said it had given them two more years with their daughter and has spoken about the importance of organ donation. Alice, 27, who is mum to oneyear-old Evie, said: “It must be the hardest thing in the world when you’re trying to deal with the loss. “Unfortunat­ely for Ella time was crucial for her and she just didn’t have enough time. “For other children and adults who are suffering it’s a massive deal for somebody to get that organ. “We were so grateful to get an extra two years with her.” The grieving mum from Whinney Banks, Middlesbro­ugh, said she would not be celebratin­g Christmas this year, as her young daughter would not know the difference.

She said: “I’m not going to do Christmas this year. Christmas time was all about Ella for so many years.

“It’s totally different now and all for the sake of an organ.”

Those who have signed onto the donor register are also urged to speak to their family about their wishes, as they have the final say on whether organs are donated.

Despite surveys showing eight in 10 of all adults in England saying they support organ donation, last year the NHS asked 3,144 families to agree to it, but 1,172 of them declined.

While 80% of people say they would be willing to donate their organs, only 36% are officially registered and just half of adults on the register have discussed their wishes with a family member, the Department for Health said.

Currently, people have to “opt in” by signing the NHS organ donor register but an opt-out system would work under presumed consent, unless people decide not to take part.

The Freeman Hospital has revealed it has 10 patients under the age of 18 waiting for a heart transplant - while the waiting list for a heart transplant has increased by 162% since 2008.

Anthony Clarkson, assistant director of organ donation for the NHS Blood and Transplant service, said: “We are very pleased to hear that Charlie has received a transplant.

“Hearts need to be matched by size and a very young child like Charlie would only be able to receive a heart from a child whose family agree to donate.

“Donating organs offers hope to another family. Losing a child is a terrible tragedy and we know that many parents take comfort in being able to save lives through organ donation.

“In the UK a shortage of organ donors means three people a day die in need of a transplant. There are almost 6,500 people on the active transplant waiting list, including 160 children.

“We urge people to tell their loved ones they want to become a donor and join the NHS organ donor register.”

 ??  ?? Tracie Wright with baby son Charlie, who has had a heart transplant at the Freeman Hospital
Tracie Wright with baby son Charlie, who has had a heart transplant at the Freeman Hospital
 ??  ?? Alice Holton and Ella Dee
Alice Holton and Ella Dee

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