The Chronicle

When should you shower?


WHAT are the benefits of a morning versus an evening shower? We asked the experts...


SENIOR stylist at KH Hair Helen Stilwell thinks there are many benefits for washing your hair bright and early.

She says: “If you wash your hair before bed, you still have the danger of it going oily through the night.

“If you wash your hair in the morning, you can wash away any oils produced from the night’s sleep and it will feel nice, clean and be easy to style.”

Studies show that showering in the morning sets you up for the day. If you turn the water cold for the last few minutes of your wash, your metabolic rate will increase and your body will effectivel­y be shocked into action, which could make you more alert and reduce fatigue.


MANY of the skin experts we spoke to agreed that showering in the evening was best.

Dr Ekaterina Burova, consultant dermatolog­ist at BMI The Saxon Clinic in Milton Keynes and BMI The Manor Hospital, says: “From the skin health point of view, it is better to shower at night, not only because skin will be cleansed from the sweat and dirt acquired during the day, but also because, according to research, intense exercise reduces skin immunity and therefore raises the risk of skin infection.”


FACIALIST Jasmina Vico firmly believes in taking two showers a day. She’s pro the evening slot for many of the same reasons the other experts give.

She also thinks a morning shower helps your mental state going into the day: “It will freshen and awaken the senses – it gives you time to cleanse your aura, mind and body before the day starts. In turn, this will help reduce stress levels during a busy work schedule.”

Consultant psychiatri­st and sleep specialist at BMI The Albyn Hospital in Aberdeen, Dr Olga Runciee thinks that there are benefits of having two showers when it comes to your sleep.

Dr Runcie says: “If we have a hot shower in the evening, the body starts cooling. This reduction in temperatur­e naturally creates sleepy feelings and might help us to fall asleep.”

She adds: “A cool shower in the morning might have a stimulatin­g effect, and can help us to wake up.”

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