The Chronicle

Where’s protests of other leaders?


I would like to register my thorough disgust at the demonstrat­ions against President Trump and his visit to the United Kingdom and apologise to my American friends and my American family for the offensive and insulting behaviour.

Since when has it been acceptable to demonstrat­e in such a way for a democratic­ally elected leader and arguably the most powerful politician in the world?

Why demonstrat­e against him when despots in Africa get away with mass murder and genocide and steal billions of dollars from their impoverish­ed countrymen which has been sent as aid?

Why not demonstrat­e against leaders of countries in the Middle East who allow women to be stoned to death and treat women as second class citizens?

Why not demonstrat­e against leaders of countries in the Far East who try to ethnically cleanse tribes of people, and some sections of the community appear to treat rape as acceptable and a popular pastime amongst the menfolk?

Why not demonstrat­e against South American countries who seem happy to keep their people in poverty, although being rich in natural resources?

Quite frankly it smells of double standards from a minority section of the public who insist on forcing their views on the majority!

I have no doubt my letter will attract vitriolic and nasty comments from such people, but that is their style, isn’t it, if anyone dares to disagree with their views? MICHAEL HINDMARSH, address supplied

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