The Chronicle

No delays over air quality plans


IN your article of July 20 on the air quality work being done by Gateshead, North Tyneside and Newcastle councils, you have given the clear impression that there is delay in forming air quality plans and that a toll will be imposed by Government as a result.

This is simply not the case. The councils are working on the agreed timelines set out by Government for publicatio­n of air quality measures that will make our areas healthier.

It is inaccurate to suggest, without any evidence, that this work is behind schedule.

It is true that Government is making us consider putting charges on to certain types of vehicles, just as Leeds and Birmingham are currently consulting on.

However, as your readers have recognised, targeting just one bridge would simply push traffic onto other routes. As part of our ongoing work we are looking to address the wider impact of poor air quality, rather than dealing with it in isolated areas, and this includes identifyin­g the range of measures that could be part of the plan for tackling it.

In late September/early October we’ll be starting a conversati­on with the public and businesses about possible solutions to this issue, before finalising a preferred option that we’ll submit to government as our plan by the end of the year. ARLENE AINSLEY, Cabinet Member for Transport and Air Quality, Newcastle City Council

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