The Chronicle

Art imitates life in lockdown


- With Sara Wallis

THE making of this brand new series of short dramas is an isolation story in itself. Top writer and producer Jeff Pope conceived the idea just a month ago – unheard of in an industry where the process usually takes months.

Scripts were penned in days, then after casting, the stories had to be filmed in the homes of the actors.

Sterilised camera equipment was delivered to their front doors, family living with the actors were roped in to become the crew, and direction was all given via online chats.

“We were determined that over four nights we would try to reflect what has been going on in these unique times,” says Jeff. “We have tried to make them as relevant, funny, poignant and heart-rending as we possibly could. But most of all, we had a go!”

The films star Sheridan

Smith, Robert Glenister and his son Tom, Eddie Marsan, Angela Griffin, Darren Boyd, David Threlfall, Michael Jibson, Leanne Best and Philip Jackson.

Airing four nights this week, they will depict life in lockdown, with stories about a heavily pregnant woman in isolation on her own, a man in the early stages of dementia living with his son, a struggling couple and a man whose marriage has recently collapsed.

With Sheridan’s episode up first, she says: “I am heavily pregnant and have been isolating so I jumped at the chance to make a drama about the massive drama going on all around us right now.

“Luckily my fiancé Jamie is tech savvy and turned out to be a natural cameraman!”

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Pregnant pause: Sheridan Smith, who is expecting her first child, plays a pregnant woman in isolation
Angela Griffin and Eddie Marsan, below Pregnant pause: Sheridan Smith, who is expecting her first child, plays a pregnant woman in isolation
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