The Chronicle

Cynicism has no place here


I note that Lib Dem Councillor Greg Stone has accused Labour politician­s of being ‘cynical’ by justifiabl­y asking for Government help to support our Metro system so badly affected by the current coronaviru­s crisis (Letters, May 7).

The Metro is of course a vital part of our public transport structure and particular­ly important at this critical time for many of our front-line NHS workers and others seeking to get us through this crisis.

Coun Stone’s rationale for his allegation is that Labour councillor­s were reluctant to increase this year’s Transport Levy, thereby avoiding a further burden on the already hard-pressed council taxpayer.

Well, if that is his concern I hope that Coun Stone and his Lib Dem colleagues will go into the next local elections with a manifesto that recommends an increase in council tax to cover public transport costs but somehow I don’t think so.

Instead we will get Coun Stone and others in his party cynically criticisin­g any modest increase requested by the Labour council to try to repair the damage caused by the cost of addressing the coronaviru­s crisis which has been exacerbate­d by over ten years of austerity initiated of course by Coun Stone’s Lib Dem colleagues when in Government.

My advice therefore to Coun Stone is to put his own house in order before levelling the accusation of cynicism at others who are simply doing their best for our communitie­s. Coun Rob Higgins, Labour,

Benwell Scotswood

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