The Chronicle

Drunk bit officer and made threat of violence


Court Reporter

A DRUNK thug bit a police officer, kicked another and threatened to stab a paramedic during a shocking violent outburst.

Ashav Singh, who had not long been released from prison for similar offending, has been jailed again after admitting the assaults and threat because “he had no recollecti­on of them”.

North Tyneside Magistrate­s’ Court was told that the 41-year-old himself rang for help and, when paramedics turned up at the scene, in Newcastle city centre, they found he was so drunk, he could barely stand.

But, as they tried to help him, Singh turned aggressive and refused to get into an ambulance, telling one worker “If you don’t go away, I’m going to stab you”.

Because of concerns for his welfare, the paramedics followed Singh, from a distance, as he staggered on to Westgate Road and the police were called.

Singh, of Wingrove Road, Fenham, Newcastle, was taken to a police station, where he continued with his aggressive behaviour and threatened to spit on the officers and “bite their face off”.

The court heard that he then lashed out and bit and scratched one PC on the hand and twice kicked another in the calf and arm.

Jailing Singh, who pleaded guilty to two counts of assaulting an emergency worker and one public order offence, for 16 weeks, District Judge Paul Currer said: “I accept that lockdown, as it has with many people, has presented many challenges.

“However, that’s no excuse for such bad behaviour, particular­ly upon the health services and the police service, who are stretched as they are dealing with current demands.”

The court heard that the North East Ambulance Service were called by nurses after concerns for Singh, who was drunk in the city centre, on June

Ashav Singh, who has been jailed for assaulting two police officers and threatenin­g a paramedic

1 this year.

Oriana Frame, prosecutin­g, said paramedics attended and found Singh struggling to walk and swigging from a can of cider. Miss Frame added: “The defendant was unsteady on his feet and unable to walk in a straight line. He said he was an alcoholic then had to sit back down again.

“At that point, the police were called as back-up. The defendant said to [one paramedic] “If you don’t go away, I’m going to stab you”.

“Nurses were also present when this was said. As [the paramedic] was threatened, he backed away from the scene.”

Miss Frame told that court that the ambulance crew followed Singh from a distance as he staggered on to Westgate Road, where he was seen to urinate in an alley then fall down.

The police arrived at the scene and Singh was arrested after turning verbally aggressive on them also.

And, it was while in the police station, that he turned violent and assaulted the two officers.

Peter Doherty, defending, said Singh had only recently been released from prison when the UK was placed into coronaviru­s lockdown, which caused him to struggle with his mental health.

Oriana Frame

The defendant said to [one paramedic] “If you don’t go away, I’m going to stab you”

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