The Chronicle

Speeding motorists targeted

- By ALEX McINTYRE Reporter

Police received reports of speeding on Team Valley

MORE than 200 drivers have been caught breaking the speed limit at the Metrocentr­e and Team Valley Trading Estate in a single day.

Northumbri­a Police have revealed the startling figures after they conducted a speeding operation following concerns that shoppers were putting people at risk.

Officers policed the two sites in Gateshead as part of Operation Odeon on Sunday and caught 223 drivers speeding, with two drivers on the wrong side of the road. PC David Gaut, of the Metrocentr­e Neighbourh­ood Policing Team, said some of the driving on display was “completely irresponsi­ble”.

He said: “We have had a spike in the number of reports to us of irresponsi­ble driving around the retail estates at the Metrocentr­e and Team Valley.

“This comes off the back of an increase in shoppers in the area as the lockdown restrictio­ns we have lived through in recent months are relaxed. “Some of the examples of driving we witnessed on Sunday were completely irresponsi­ble and a number of drivers will be appearing in court as a result. “We witnessed drivers travelling at almost double the 30mph limit and two motorists who were driving on the wrong side of the carriagewa­y.” Operation Odeon was a collaborat­ion between neighbourh­ood officers and volunteers from Northumbri­a Police Special Constabula­ry.

The aim of the operation was to reduce collisions and make the road networks safer for the general public. PC Gaut said: “This type of behaviour puts other road users at risk, particular­ly in areas where there are a number of pedestrian­s and cyclists. I want to reassure those concerned about irresponsi­ble driving that we will be carrying out Operation Odeon again in the coming weeks. If we see a repeat of the driving... we will have no hesitation in putting people before the courts.”

Some of the examples of driving we witnessed on Sunday were completely irresponsi­ble

PC David Gaunt

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