The Chronicle

Addicts who stole from a dying man

- By ROB KENNEDY Court reporter

DESPICABLE drug addicts stole money from a dying man who trusted one of them with his bank card to get his shopping.

The victim had terminal cancer when he gave his supposed friend, Lee Burrows, his Co-op card and pin number.

A court heard Burrows and Lee McCormack repeatedly plundered the victim’s bank account, stealing more than £2,000.

Amy Levitt, prosecutin­g, told Newcastle Crown Court the victim, who has since died, told the police what the disgracefu­l pair had done to him.

Miss Levitt said: “He gave his Co-op bank card to Lee Burrows for the purpose of him doing shopping for him.

“Burrows lived at an address opposite the victim’s flat and he gave him the card and pin number.

“That card was not returned to him and he had to cancel it on May 15 this year.

“Before that, there were numerous transactio­ns he knew nothing about and did not authorise.”

McCormack made withdrawal­s while Burrows was present on May 2, May 4, May 6 and May 7 from a cash machine in Elswick, Newcastle, totalling £900.

McCormack alone made three further withdrawal­s of £600, £650 and £240 between May 2 and May 7.

The victim, who lived in Elswick, said in a statement: “This has made me feel really ill, I’ve not been able to eat and I feel really low.

“Nobody has the right to do this to me, especially when I’m so poorly.”

The court heard McCormack, 45, of Julian Avenue, Walkergate, Newcastle, has 111 previous conviction­s while Burrows, 45, of no fixed address, has 172 previous conviction­s.

McCormack admitted seven counts of theft while Burrows admitted four.

Paul Caulfield, for McCormack, said: “It was Burrows who was given the bank card and details by his friend.”

He said McCormack had started taking crack cocaine at the time, adding: “When temptation presented itself to him by way of Burrows having the bank card and details, without any knowledge of who it belonged to, he stole money to fund his addiction.”

Jamie Adams, for Burrows, said: “He is ashamed and sorry for what he died and knowing the complainan­t has since died has only made it worse for him and deepens his sense of remorse.”

Mr Adams said Burrows is vulnerable and his sustained abuse of heroin and cocaine has induced psychosis and schizophre­nia.

He added that he was living a “chaotic” lifestyle and claims he gave £200 back to the victim.

The pair were due to be sentenced but the case was adjourned until October 28 for a pre-sentence report to be compiled.

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Lee McCormack

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