The Chronicle

Covid-19 impact of Christmas mixing yet to be felt - health boss


- By HERBERT SODEN Local Democracy Reporter

THE full impact of relaxing coronaviru­s restrictio­ns for Christmas has yet to be fully felt, a Gateshead health boss has warned.

Central Government allowed people to form social bubbles on Christmas Day following a U-turn on earlier proposals which would have allowed families to gather between December 23 and 27.

In the days after Christmas coronaviru­s cases rocketed and the nation was once again plunged into lockdown on Tuesday.

Alice Wiseman, director of public health at Gateshead Council, said that the impact of the post Christmas coronaviru­s surge on hospitals has not yet been felt.

She said: “Before Christmas we were under 100 cases a day but on December 29 and 30 we had around 180 cases a day. We are now looking at 140 or 150 a day.

“What really concerns me now is hospitals - we won’t have seen the impact of Christmas in the hospitals data.

“We have seen the increase in cases from the 29th and 30th but hospital admissions are two weeks behind that and deaths three weeks or longer behind it.”

Ms Wiseman said that hospital space allocated to coronaviru­s patients is almost full.

She continued: “93% of coronaviru­s beds are filled and hospitals are working incredibly hard.

“We’re nowhere near what’s happening in London or Kent and I hope lockdown started soon enough to prevent us from getting into that position.”

Ms Wiseman also said she wished the Government hadn’t relaxed coronaviru­s restrictio­ns over Christmas.

She said: “You can always look back in hindsight. I wish we had not looked at relaxation over Christmas.

“Giving people something and taking it away meant we lost some community spirit, many people did comply.

“The 29th and 30th are absolutely as a result of Christmas, if we hadn’t had that maybe we could continue to keep schools open which is really important to children’s and young people’s wellbeing.”

Ms Wiseman also pointed to the work the council had been doing including coronaviru­s support hubs that help residents hit by the pandemic.

She said: “We have stepped back up with [coronaviru­s] hubs for example, to support people who are clinically vulnerable and socially vulnerable.

“Arrangemen­ts are always in place and we have re-deployed a number of staff from leisure centres and libraries.”

However she said that schools need better support after mass testing plans for secondary schools were announced at the end of the winter term.

Ms Wiseman said: “This is a wider issue for Government but

there is an issue around the support provided to schools.

“I think support given to schools could have been much better. Schools have done an incredible job during the whole of the pandemic and it is unfair to land them with this change when they break up for Christmas.

“We talk about NHS staff exhaustion and I would argue that staff in schools are equally exhausted.”

Ms Wiseman said that the borough has received the expected amount of vaccines and there has been improvemen­ts in testing services.

She said: “A colleague in the NHS has said we have received the vaccines we expected to receive.

“If a resident requires a test today they would be able to access it at one of the area’s testing sites, from that perspectiv­e it has improved, but I still think we can do better.”

“The focus over the next few weeks will be to further localise contact tracing. We need to think about support needed for families to be able to follow advice.”

As part of this she would like to see the same staff handling test and trace calls for the borough so that localised advice can be given.

She also said that training local NHS and council staff to handle test and trace calls has “worked really well”. But she urged people to be on their guard and stick social distancing and lockdown rules amid the emergence of a newer, more contagious variant of the virus.

She said: “The new variant is so infectious at the moment. There are suggestion­s that 30% of cases in the North East are the new variant.

“Following what we have seen in London it will become the dominant variant over the next couple of weeks.

“There is a lot we don’t know [about the new variant] we don’t think the clinical outcomes are worse but it is a lot more infectious.

“Viruses change all the time, the more a virus spreads the more chance it has to mutate, suppressio­n is important so we can protect people and so we don’t see any mutations.”

She thanked everybody for their efforts and urged everyone to “pull together” again to beat the virus. She added: “Everybody is tired but lets see what we can do to pull together again so we don’t have to keep on doing this

“Lets focus on getting the numbers down and so we can get back to some sense of normality. It might be different, this virus has changed us all.”

You can always look back in hindsight. I wish we had not looked at relaxation over Christmas

Alice Wiseman

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Dr Alice Wiseman, director of public health at Gateshead Council

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