The Chronicle

Girl with the stuck earring


A BLYTH mum says she was forced to take pliers to her daughter’s ear after she was banned from class due to an earring she couldn’t get properly removed because of the pandemic.

Holly Wade, 16, had had her tragus – the small piece of cartilage which protrudes over the centre of the ear – pierced this December as a birthday treat, while beauty salons remained open under Tier 3 coronaviru­s rules.

Knowing such piercings were banned at Holly’s school, Bede Academy, mum Julie allowed her to get it over the Christmas holidays, on the basis that before class resumed she could return to the salon to have the difficultt­o-remove jewellery taken out and replaced with something she could remove herself in the mornings before school.

But when beauty salons were shut due to lockdown, Julie says she and her daughter were left with nowhere to turn.

When school reopened on March 8, Holly and Julie desperatel­y tried to yank the hoop and ball piercing free, but with no success.

Julie says she asked teachers if she could simply cover the jewellery with a plaster during school hours, but was told this wasn’t good enough. Instead, teachers warned, Holly would be put in isolation, taking her classes alone on a computer, until the earring was removed.

A further warning was issued last Wednesday, and on Thursday and Friday Holly was unable to join classes with her friends, with her mum asking for her to be allowed to work from home online, as opposed to being kept in isolation in school.

NHS worker Julie, 45, said: “They basically told me she was not having face-to-face interactio­n, she’d be put in a separate room until the piercing was removed.

“I’m really upset by it. All I wanted was for her to go to school and have some teaching – I offered to cover it with a plaster, but they wouldn’t accept that. Considerin­g we are in a global pandemic, could there not have been a little bit of leniency until I could get it profession­ally removed? One earring was getting in the way of her education, through no fault of her own.”

The mum said she understood that the piercing was against the rules, but argued it was unfair for her daughter to be continuall­y punished over something she was unable to change. The whole family had tried to safely remove the jewellery but “physically couldn’t get it out”, Julie said.

On Sunday, after trying everything they could to remove it by hand, Julie finally managed to cut the earring loose with a small pair of pliers so Holly could return to school. But she said she was angry she’d been put in the position of having to try a removal method which, she said, did not feel safe.

“It was absolutely awful,” she said. “She was sobbing her heart out, but what choice did we have? It’s her final year, she can’t keep missing school.”

A Bede Academy spokespers­on said families were all made aware of the policy students were meant to follow. But Julie argued the strict ruling suggested the school was prioritisi­ng uniform compliance over children’s education.

Julie said: “I think that, yes, there do need to be rules, I’m not denying that – I’m not saying she should go in with 20 piercings and a Mohican.

“But there needs to be some common sense element too. It feels like they care more about checking kids to make sure their uniform is correct than their education – why not spend this much time focusing on learning and helping with any issues they have after lockdown?”

A spokespers­on for Bede Academy said: “All students and their parents and carers are made fully aware of the uniform code, which does not allow piercings up to Year 11, when they join Bede Academy.

“In this particular case, the family chose to keep their child at home. The matter has been resolved and the student is back in school.”

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 ??  ?? Julie Wade with her daughter Holly Wade, 16, who has been banned from school over an ear piercing
Julie Wade with her daughter Holly Wade, 16, who has been banned from school over an ear piercing
 ??  ?? Holly Wade, 16
Holly Wade, 16

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