The Chronicle (South Tyneside and Durham)


,by James Bridgewood


Born in the old town of North Shields, up on the great Tyne’s shore.

A boy named Thomas Brown grew up a whole lifetime before.

Now Tommy was a bright young lad,

Who would try his hand a owt.

That he would be someone someday, there really was no doubt.

Far off horizons fuelled Tom’s thoughts, he just knew he couldn’t stay.

A life at sea was the thing he sought, so he signed and sailed away.

Tom lacked in years so bent the truth to make his dream come true. To see the world and fight the cause, to sail those oceans blue.

Tom had found his niche in Navy life it would suit him to a tee.

That role he’d play upon the waves, out on those rolling seas.

One day though fate would play its hand, and it would again once more.

But cometh the hour cometh the man

Tommy came right to the fore. A stricken U-boat, time was short, three men all brave and true... Stepped to the plate to meet with fate as each second danger grew.

They did board the sinking submarine and place all doubts aside.

The three would overstay their leave,

“It’s time to go”tom cried!

One sudden shudder focused minds as the icy water surged.

All three did sink beneath the waves only Tommy re-emerge.

As he breached the clear blue waters,

Tom gasped for precious air.

His thoughts were for his comrades as fate cruelly claimed the pair.

But the salvaged papers he retrieved on that most momentous day. Would change the future of the world, in the most profound of ways.

But afterwards through Tommy fame his age was ascertaine­d.

Too young he just could not remain, despite those medals gained. He was eighteen years upon the earth when on HMS Belfast.

Tom sailed into his home town port for some family time at last.

But as Tommy slept alone downstairs flames licked through his abode. So he did what heroes always do, and flicked to rescue mode. To rushed to save his sister

Maureen from those wicked flames.

But in this sheer act of selflessne­ss, the poor lad was overcame.

Tom never come to know just what. a difference he had made.

The papers Tom took from that sub, were of the highest grade.

They helped to break Enigma’s code, and countless lives were saved. To that end we owe our gratitude, for those sacrifices made.

Now in the town where Tom was lain, in the memory of his class.

There’s a permanent reminder now in the form of stained cut glass.

And every time that gold sun shines,

Tom’s name is bathed in light

They said he’d be someone someday, and by God they were right.

 ?? ?? North Tyneside Mayor Norma Redfearn and Thomas Brown’s sister Nancy unveil a memorial to him in his home town of North Shields, where a new square has been named after him
North Tyneside Mayor Norma Redfearn and Thomas Brown’s sister Nancy unveil a memorial to him in his home town of North Shields, where a new square has been named after him

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