The Courier & Advertiser (Angus and Dundee)

Letters to the editor

Leave Madras decision until after election

- Mr J S Gamba. 35 Lamberton Place, St Andrews.

Sir, - Last week Fife Council’s executive committee agreed the criteria for selecting the site of the new Madras College and other new schools across the region.

While this is welcome, the current council administra­tion has done little to allay the concerns that many people have.

In the judgment quashing the previous planning permission, Lord Malcolm commented on the need for council officers to ensure that the wishes of the political administra­tion do not interfere with the need for a fair and proper assessment.

Despite this, Fife Council has still not withdrawn the Pipeland planning applicatio­n. Preparator­y work on it continues.

An objective observer may, therefore, question exactly how fair and impartial the new site assessment is going to be.

It is difficult to believe that Fife Council will approach the assessment with an open mind while simultaneo­usly pursuing a planning applicatio­n for one of the candidate sites.

If the current administra­tion of Fife Council is determined to pursue Pipleand at all costs, the chances of another legal challenge, further delays and increased costs are greatly increased. No one wants to see that.

The next council elections are less than a year away.

It may be preferable if any decision about the new Madras College is taken by the next council administra­tion which will, one hopes, not be tainted by the transgress­ions and incompeten­ce of the current administra­tion.

 ??  ?? Madras College’s South Street building.
Madras College’s South Street building.

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