The Courier & Advertiser (Angus and Dundee)

Council van driver’s parking condemned

Residents take to social media to share picture of van parked on double yellow lines beside children’s crossing

- graeme STRACHAN

“Selfish” council staff were given a smack on the wrist after parking a van on double yellow lines beside a children’s crossing.

Safety concerns were raised after the Angus Council van was snapped at the junction of Warddykes Avenue and Brechin Road beside a school crossing patroller.

The image was posted on social media and prompted a furious response from locals who accused the council staff of having a “total disregard for child safety”.

A council spokesman said: “We are grateful that this was brought to our attention.

“The van should not have been parked where it was and we have spoken with the staff concerned to ensure there is no repeat of this behaviour.”

Road safety charity Brake said illegal parking around schools presents a serious danger to children, “who can easily be hidden between vehicles before emerging unexpected­ly”.

We are grateful that this was brought to our attention.


A spokesman said: “Every child has the right to walk in their community and to school without fear of being knocked down by fast traffic, and it is extremely disappoint­ing to see such selfish behaviour putting vulnerable road users at risk.”

North East Scotland MSP Alex Johnstone said: “This incident is bad enough, but it has acted as a catalyst for local residents to highlight wider issues on this road such as speeding.

“Angus Council needs to look at why their vehicle was parked so badly, but police involvemen­t is required to deal with concerns about dangerous driving in this vicinity, and I will be contacting Police Scotland and asking them to investigat­e.”

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