The Courier & Advertiser (Angus and Dundee)

A funny old world indeed


Sir, - It’s a funny old world, politics and the Scottish media.

Kezia Dugdale announcing that she is to appear on I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here, and it’s the story of the week.

Good on you hen, making the announceme­nt only hours before the new leader of the Labour Party in Scotland was revealed.

Kezia’s, Johann Lamont branch office moment, she was sticking it to them, after this ungrateful party had conspired against her at every opportunit­y and then stabbed her in the back.

It might be the making of the lass.

I cannot wait for Oor Eck to extract the maximum outrage from social media when he discusses Kezia’s appearance in the jungle on RT.

So the Labour Party in Scotland has a new leader, I don’t think anyone was surprised at the result.

A died in the wool unionist, voted into power by the unions, with the blessing of the Westminste­r Corbynites, after all he is English therefore talks the same language – English rule (at Westminste­r) OK.

Corbyn needs the Scottish vote to get him into power and has put his man in place in Scotland in order to achieve that end.

All we will hear from now to polling day is how “New” Labour will transform our NHS or schools, or infrastruc­ture, (hopefully not as they are doing in Wales and England).

And whilst all this was going on Oor Nicola was getting on with the day job, burning the midnight oil at the Scottish Office, to save the three fabricatio­ns yards in Scotland just as her Government did when Prestwick Airport and the Ferguson yard on the Clyde were going to the wall with the loss of hundreds of jobs, strange therefore that the media in Scotland seemed very reluctant to trumpet that.

Walter Hamilton. Flat 3 City Park, City Road,

St Andrews.

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