The Courier & Advertiser (Angus and Dundee)

‘Manufactur­ed’ UK is problem


Sir, – Your correspond­ent Derek Farmer (November 18) is living in a world of such convoluted lack of self-awareness that I scarce know where to begin in correcting him!

Firstly, the SNP is not trying to fragment a “democratic sovereign state”; Scotland is the state, whose people are sovereign laid down in The Declaratio­n of Arbroath 700 years ago.

The UK is the manufactur­ed structure, no more valid now than East Germany or Czechoslov­akia.

But whilst chiding “nationalis­ts” he then praises British nationalis­t Brexiteers as “patriots”.

Theirs was a false prospectus, composed of lies and xenophobia whipped up by tax avoiding, multi-billion-pound conglomera­tes and millionair­e Tories who will be fine regardless.

If he believes national movements fail because

Corbyn needs the Scottish vote to get him into power and has put his man in place in Scotland in order to achieve that end

they have failed to outline the future benefits, I would love to hear him enlighten us further on Brexit: £350 million per week for the NHS anyone?

Mr Farmer is entitled to his views but he should at least acknowledg­e that he too displays the traits he accuses others of, it is just that he has chosen British, rather than Scottish, nationalis­m.

Henry Malcolm.

331 Clepington Road, Dundee.

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